Manufacturer of SATURN Inflatables Since 1999

Customer's Tips & Tricks. Trailer mods and seating configurations.

Posted by   Brittany
Customer's Article about inflatable boats
Customer's submitted article about inflatable boats experience, tips, tricks and trailer set ups.

"MY LAST LAST BOAT (I think) I was born in 1935. Since 1959 I have always had a boat or two - about 20 total - from an  8ft  racing  boat  with  10hp  outboard  to  a  32ft  houseboat.  Many  were  homemade, many  were  older  boats  I  fixed  -  and  I  purchased  six  boats  new  (including  five inflatables).  These  notes  cover  my  experiences  with  my  five  inflatable  boats,  with details on my last, last boat."   By Royal Dossett

Download this great article about personal customer's experience with inflatable boats in PDF Format.

Download customer's experience with inflatable boats over years


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